Blindspot: 5 Characters Who Got Fitting Endings (& 5 Who Didn't) (2025)

After five seasons, NBC series Blindspot finally ended its run.And the series brought the story full circle. The story began when a woman who became known as Jane Doe emerged from a duffle bag in the middle of Times Square, covered in tattoos with no recollections of who she was or how she got there. The story ended in a similar way, sort of.

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But through the five seasons, the story expanded to focus on so many other characters. Some of them got fitting endings while others, sadly, not so much.

Kurt Weller: Fitting Ending

Blindspot: 5 Characters Who Got Fitting Endings (& 5 Who Didn't) (1)

While Kurt was the head of the FBI for some time and seemed like he was made for the job, he ways appeared to have one foot out the door. He was great at the job but it didn't seem to fulfill him in the way it should.

After he met and fell in love with Jane, however, and had his daughter Bethany, he appeared to be completely full. So, while he didn't get his job back, that was OK. He found a greater purpose. And he finally truly seemed happy.

Jane Doe: Not Fitting

Blindspot: 5 Characters Who Got Fitting Endings (& 5 Who Didn't) (2)

While viewers were made to think at the very end that Jane actually didn't survive and died in the middle of Times Square from Zip poisoning, her dead body ironically zipped up into a bag exactly where she had once emerged from one, that was apparently all a bad daydream.

Jane was seemingly alive and well, living a happy life with Kurt fostering several children. While she had been through enough and deserved to settle down and be happy, it almost seemed like the alternate ending would have been more fitting for the character who constantly wondered if she was helping or hurting people. To die having saved millions of people would have been a valiant way to go.

Tasha Zapata: Fitting

Blindspot: 5 Characters Who Got Fitting Endings (& 5 Who Didn't) (3)

While it's hard to imagine Tasha not being on the force in some way, hunting down bad guys, there comes a time in one's life when you need to take a step back. For Tasha, it was losing the man she loved and giving birth to their daughter.

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She found a way to balance it all by starting her own private investigation company where she could still take on bad guys but hire others to do the dirty work for her and steer clear of constant imminent danger. It's what Reade would have wanted.

Patterson: Not Fitting

Blindspot: 5 Characters Who Got Fitting Endings (& 5 Who Didn't) (4)

Patterson was meant for so much more. And while clearly the FBI could function without her, considering they did so for two years when she went on leave, her skills and talents need to be put to good use.

It's unclear exactly what she was up to in the end, aside from becoming even closer with her father and continuing her quest for gold with Rich. Her ending was not fitting because viewers weren't really given any significant details about it from a personal perspective.

Blindspot: 5 Characters Who Got Fitting Endings (& 5 Who Didn't) (5)

The biggest thing that needed to happen for Rich before the series ended was finally reconciling with Boston, who he clearly never lost feelings for, and who obviously was meant for him. It seemed this was in fact what happened.

Not only did viewers get to see them share a kiss but they were also both sporting wedding rings, which suggests they tied the knot, too, to make it official.

Edgar Reade: Not Fitting

Blindspot: 5 Characters Who Got Fitting Endings (& 5 Who Didn't) (6)

Reade sadly died at the beginning of season five, and while he was one of many past characters who appeared in one of Jane's hallucinations, he didn't really get the happy ending he deserved. So much of the earlier seasons hinted at a will-they, won't-they romance between the two partners.

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It was great that Reade got to live on through his daughter, but it would have been even better to see him and Tasha starting a life together.

Boston Arliss Crab: Fitting

Blindspot: 5 Characters Who Got Fitting Endings (& 5 Who Didn't) (7)

Boston and Rich had a love-haterelationship that was clearly more love. He also had some friction with Patterson. But it seemed by the end, not only were he and Rich officially an item, but he had a solid friendship with Patterson, too.

This was the perfect ending for the man who helped the FBI, never felt like he got as good a deal as Rich, and always seemed to have a chip on his shoulder. He grew so much.

Matthew Weitz: Not Fitting

Blindspot: 5 Characters Who Got Fitting Endings (& 5 Who Didn't) (8)

Weitz tried so hard to do the right thing. And he did, even though he made some wrong decisions in between because of Madeline's threats and intimidation. But in the end, he pulled it out for the team.

Sadly, he was shot by a rogue bullet and died at the FBI office before he could be recognized for his efforts. He did appear in one of Jane's many hallucinations along with many other former FBI directors. But he deserved better. He should have been at that "family" dinner at the end, clinking glasses and giving a speech.

Madeline Burke: Fitting

Blindspot: 5 Characters Who Got Fitting Endings (& 5 Who Didn't) (9)

While it would have been nicer to see Madeline put the justice and taken away in handcuffs, this way without being able to use her money, power, influence, and intimidation to get out of it, her death was a sweet one.

An evil and cruel terrorist, she took the easy way out by committing suicide. Nonetheless, it was a fitting end to see her taken down along with the rest of her cohorts.

The FBI: Not Fitting

Blindspot: 5 Characters Who Got Fitting Endings (& 5 Who Didn't) (10)

While staff changes all the time, new people train for jobs, and seemingly every team is better than the last, it's tough to imagine the group that diffused multiple bombs, kicked butt, got shot, and sat at death's door multiple times, were now living seemingly ordinary lives while a team of newbies took over at the FBI.

The FBI could have still used them in a consulting status, or to train new recruits or some other positions that weren't in the field. Then again, doing that might have had them itching to go out again. So being far removed from all government organizations and dangerous jobs probably made the most sense.

NEXT: 15 Shows To Watch If You Love The Blacklist

Blindspot: 5 Characters Who Got Fitting Endings (& 5 Who Didn't) (2025)


Blindspot: 5 Characters Who Got Fitting Endings (& 5 Who Didn't)? ›

+ During the Blindspot series finale last week, Natalie and Valerie Anne got what they wanted, for just a second. Patterson and Zapata got married (in one of Jane's hallucinations). + Audrey Esparza's behind the scenes pic is even better.

Does Patterson get married in Blindspot? ›

+ During the Blindspot series finale last week, Natalie and Valerie Anne got what they wanted, for just a second. Patterson and Zapata got married (in one of Jane's hallucinations). + Audrey Esparza's behind the scenes pic is even better.

What happens at the end of Channel 5 Blindspot? ›

Following her admission, Amber told Hannah that she was going to hand herself in, but while heading to the police station she took a detour and drove to a quarry, where she drove her car off a ridge. Hannah survived after Amber pulled her from the wreckage, but she was killed when the car exploded.

Who is Jane Doe really in Blindspot? ›

Jane Doe, was born under the name of Alice Kruger in Pretoria, South Africa, where she lived with her parents and younger brother, Ian. After both of her parents were killed, the siblings were taken to a secret academy. From a very young age, she excelled from other children with her skilled abilities.

Who gets pregnant in Blindspot? ›

Natasha grief over Edgar was strong in season five of blindspot. Natasha finds out she pregnant in season five with Edgar child which was conceived in the first episode of that season.

Why did Blindspot end so abruptly? ›

Gero: For us, there's certainly a clear, quote, unquote, like, “authorial intent,” but part of the reason we did it this way was we wanted the show to be emotionally satisfying, depending on what your emotional needs were in the moment that you watched the show, and what's incredible about that ending is it really is, ...

Do Jane and Weller get married? ›

Jane and Weller got married at an undetermined time after the events of the second season's season finale, however they got separated also at an undetermined period of time for unknown reasons where Jane presumably flew the country to protect her husband.

Are Jane and Roman twins? ›

More importantly, she's Jane's adopted mother. Roman is her adopted brother, though he's not a blood relative of Shepherd either.

Why did Jane tattoo herself? ›

Jaimie Alexander as Jane Doe in Season 1. From Jaimie's Instagram. It was Remi's idea to tattoo her body and erase her memory with ZIP in order to make herself, and Kurt Weller, believe she was his childhood friend Taylor Shaw, who disappeared when she was 5 years old.

What was Jane Doe's real name for Ride the Cyclone? ›

Karnak reveals that Jane's real name is Penny Lamb, a character in a different play written by the same people as Ride the Cyclone (Easter egg alert!).

Do Jane and Weller have a baby? ›

Jeller are parents to daughters: Jane's daughter Avery Drabkin born in July of 1999, during a flashback scene of third season. Kurt's daughter Bethany Weller born in summer of 2017, off-screen of second season.

Does Jane have a baby in real life? ›

It is the first child for the Jane the Virgin star and her actor and writer husband Joe Locicero. The 38-year-old actress was spotted going for a stroll with a baby strapped to her chest on Saturday afternoon.

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Justin Baldoni as Rafael Solano, the 31-year-old owner of the Marbella Hotel and the biological father of Jane's child, who has fallen out of love with his wife.

Who is Patterson's boyfriend on Blindspot? ›

Joe Dinicol as David Wagner (seasons 1, 3, & 5), Patterson's boyfriend.

Who does Kurt end up with in Blindspot? ›

Jeller wedding photo. Jane and Kurt's ship nickname is Jeller. Jeller are the main couple of the show blindspot. Jane's birth name is Alicia Kurger then she went by her adopted name Remi Briggs but due to her memories being stripped she now goes by Jane doe then took her married name Jane Weller when she married Kurt.

Does Patterson adopt a child in Blindspot? ›

Paterson will adopt her kid. Tasha and Reade will run the NY Office as a power couple. Rich and Boston will find the necessary balance to make their relationship work. As for Jane and Weller, Jane will end up pregnant and she and Weller will move to Colorado to help raise Bethany and their new child.

Does Jane have a baby in Blindspot? ›

Template:Season 3 Spoiler Avery Drabkin is Jane Doe/Remi Briggs' biological daughter. She was given up for adoption within hours of being born against her mother's will.

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