NataniaMK66 days ago
The music really fits w the vibe. Cool concept and cute art!
Deleted account134 days ago
Deleted post
NikkoGD134 days ago(+1)
Thank you
baiacudastrevas364 days ago(+2)
I love this game, would it be possible to launch an infinite mode? the time is too short for me :(
NikkoGD134 days ago
Thank you, we've released a Steam version for the game recently
Manyong'oments2 years ago(+1)
Super chill vibes and soothing music 👍🏾
Renala Games3 years ago(+1)
Duchess Potato3 years ago (1 edit) (+7)
It's a neat premise, a little too close to home (dating is hell). That said, balance is off, way too hard to pry detail out of people in the time available, and if you don't interview or try to match they huff off. I haven't matched anyone in 5 or 6 playthroughs, even when it seems the ideal/like/hate line up.
So high frustration factor. Suggest a difficulty curve?Start off with a few softballs and add more time based on how many matches you get. Something to turn it into a flow stategame rather than a beat-the-clock scenario. Each playthrough I'd devote the first 24-26 days to just interviewing and finding clients in the hopes of getting match potential but to no avail. There's challenge enough in just client management and match finding, the countdown just builds arbitrary frustration. I mean understandable as a difficulty driver. I just like flow better than nailbiters.
Would, on a personal note, love to see more GNC/trans/bi/out there rep, but understand about almost every point I've made that you were under the gun.
Anyway, for something that implements online it's pretty impressive and please, keep at it! Thx for the effort.
NikkoGD3 years ago(+1)
Thank you for playing. Yes, we wanted to show how hard is it the dating scene :D
We're still working on the balancing so player will be eased-in easier and there's feature planned that will help you make more accurate match.
for more diverse rep that you mentioned, we would love to add it into the game.
But it's not something that we're familiar with so we're open if anyone can share how to do it right within context in the game.
Again, thank you for trying and the feedback
tgreatblueberry3 years ago(+2)
This game is really cute! The pastel color design and the relaxing musicgives me the impression that the game is going to be funand relaxing and happy, which I love to see in a game! Ilove the idea of matchmaking as a concept. Learning about the clients is nice, and I like that I can look for new matches!
Bug?: Your contacts list doesn't seem to update when you get new clients. Is there a way to see more than 4 clients at a time?
Gameplay: I didn't get a single good match out of 5 playthroughs. Because I lost so much,I'm not sure what the goal is. Could you tell me what it was?Because there is so little time to get to know clients, is the main goal of this game to learn as little as possible about the clients and match them up as quickly as you can? I was hoping this game was more about getting to know all the clients and really finding their perfect match. The deadline really defeats the purpose of taking the time tofind a perfect match, though. What made you decide to make it so hard to learn about your clients?When you take a step back and think about the gameplay, what did you want the player to focus on? And did you accomplish that goal with what you built?
For me personally, Ihad a really hard time memorizing so much information about each person. It was hard to keep trying to find things that people matched with. Ideally. if you could build it, at the very least,it would be nice to be able to read two contacts at the same time so I can compare more easily. At the very best, I'd love to see a compatibility percentage indicator to see how easily they match, with green words being matches and red mean that they are incompatible. Please take that suggestion with a grain of salt, though. I'm not sure what goal you really had in mind for the gameplay in the first place. If you wanted the player to have to constantly take notes to find the perfect match, then feel free to ignore my suggestion.
All in all, you have a really sound foundation for a great game. I really look forward to seeing how this develops in the future. And I really hope you'll give us better hints for how to actually make a good match!! hahaha. Thanks so much. You rock. Thanks for all the time and effort you took to make this. I hope you have a great day!
NikkoGD3 years ago
Hi, Thank you for playing and the detailed feedbacks,
Bug: you should be able to view all the clients in contact list. Do you play the web or download the windows version. Just checked both here and the bug didn't show up.
Yes, the goal is to get to know your clients and make as many good match as possible.
Because of game jam deadline we have not been able to implement all features that we planned.
The Rep point & deadline is short goal for player to achieve where if enough Rep point is collected at the end of month player will be able to continue the business.
We also want to tie-in short story explaining on why player work on the matchmaker agency and time limit.
Yes, a lot of people suggest a system to compare clients,
Don't worry it's in our planned updates :D
Thank you, we have more ideas for features and contents that we wanted to add and eventually make this into a full game.
Your support is greatly appreciated & have a great day too
tgreatblueberry3 years ago(+1)
Hi! Thanks for the reply. The bug about not viewing the contact list was NOT A BUG! I didn't understand you could move up and down the contact list by clicking and dragging. I recommend you add instructions for that, or change it so that they can click on arrows to go up and down.Itried using the mouse wheel and it did not move the contact list, too, but you haven't coded that in.
This was really fun for a game jam! Ijust wish it was easier to find good matches - played again and I finally got 1 good match after 5 different playthroughs! Hooray!I hope Iget to see more of your work in the future. The music and the art were especially fun, and Ilove trying to help people look for love!
malac3 years ago(+1)
This is a really cute game! It would be cool if you could do a few things per day, or get more info from interviews. I like the art style a lot
NikkoGD3 years ago(+1)
Thank you for playing
annaprad73 years ago(+2)
Can you make the game longer? It would be nice if you could even take multiple actions per day, because there's no way to know everyone's perks/likes/dislikes in 30 days.It would also be fun as a long-run game, like long missions to complete over time (like maybe you have a higher chance ofgetting a famous client if you get a certain reputation, or with a high reputation you can get more clients, or they talk to you faster. I wouldn't know because I can never get a high reputation in the time frame)
NikkoGD3 years ago
Thank you for the feedback/ suggestion, we're still working on more features to make gameplay longer and more varied
Alpha male gamer3 years ago(+2)
very nice game but it is a little hard to interview people with only 30 days
NikkoGD3 years ago
Thank your feedback, we're still working on the game balance for now